SCHEDULE YOUR CELESTIAL ADVENTURE Just follow the instructions below.
1. CHECK THE TOUR SCHEDULE From the calendar below, choose a GREEN date (or dates) .
GREEN dates are AVAILABLE for public or, possibly, private tours. These have no interfering moonlight. RED dates are SOLD OUT . You may request placement on the waiting list . BLACKED OUT dates are NOT AVAILABLE for any public or private tours.
After Dennis confirms space availability for your requested date(s) you may then make your reservation payment at the Prices & Reservations page. Reservations are first-come, first-served, and do not exist without this advance payment. Reservations or payments made less than 72 hours before the program cannot be accepted. Please plan ahead. You will receive an immediate receipt from PayPal as well as a personal confirmation note from Dennis within 24 hours. Children younger than 9 are not admitted to public programs. Sorry.
After you choose a GREEN date (clicking on the calendar will do nothing), e-mail to Dennis the following information to inquire whether enough space remains available: REQUIRED : Your preferred date(s) REQUIRED : How many in your party You should hear back within 24 hours. If not, please check your spam and junk folders before rewriting.
© Dennis L. Mammana.  All rights reserved.